
Showing posts from August, 2018

Millville's Lawyers: the Saga Continues

At the August 21, 2018 work session the reappointment of Doug Long’s law firm was discussed. Thank you once again to Commissioner Udalovas for questioning the appointment however, she was really not questioning the appointment or the need to go out to bid but rather how to pay Mr. Long. The question was whether to let Mr. Long bill hourly, or give him a flat fee for his work. The city attorney, James Schroeder stated it is hard to have a flat fee for work. He stated that he does the same work being given to Mr. Long for Hamilton Twp. so while the issue is being looked into Mr. Schroeder will do the work. Mind you it is out of his contract so he will be billing for the work. He also stated if he has a question he will contact Mr. Long’s firm. That will be an additional fee. The attorney’s fees are spiraling out of control in the Commission’s effort to repay them for their support in the last election. The city administrator admitted that the city has been paying Long...

Will Commissioner Parent Ever Tell the Truth?

At the August 7, 2018 commission meeting, Mr. Parent spoke at length (as usual). He is working on the 2019 budget and warned taxpayers that it will be a tough one. Translation: tax increase. What do you expect? Team Santiago has been giving away taxpayer’s money left and right. (Read the blogs on the Demolition at 109 E. Main Street).   Mr. Parent also discussed the city’s attorneys. He spoke about the attorneys who have already exhausted their budgets exceeding their contracts and needing an additional $200,000 to make it to the end of the year. Mr. Parent as usual did not accept any of the responsibility but blamed the over runs on others.   Team Santiago chose the out of town attorneys and agreed to the contracts even though they were not the low bids. Mr. Parent as usually distorted the facts and ignored the following: 1.     Fact: Team Santiago hired Doug Long’s law firm which is ethically challenged and   has been fired by other mu...

Team Santiago to Give More Money to Out of Town Attorneys!!

Pay close attention to the August 7, 2018 Commission meeting. Here are the questions the agenda raises: 1.     There is an ordinance to adopt the redevelopment plan by CME Associates. Why is the redevelopment plan not attached to the agenda? Where is the transparency that Team Santiago promised? 2.     There is a bond ordinance for $550,000. The bond is for $160,000 in IT improvements but the improvements are not specified so are they necessary?   The rest of the bond is for 7 new vehicles for the police and fire department. 3.     There are two resolutions giving more money to Doug Long’s law firm, Marmero and Grace. Team Santiago initially gave the firm $110,000 in two contracts and are increasing the contracts to $140,000. That means that in 7 months the firm has exceeded their original contract. This should not be a surprise. Why is Team Santiago giving more money to lawyers with previous and pending et...