Millville's Lawyers: the Saga Continues
At the August 21, 2018 work session the reappointment of Doug Long’s law firm was discussed. Thank you once again to Commissioner Udalovas for questioning the appointment however, she was really not questioning the appointment or the need to go out to bid but rather how to pay Mr. Long. The question was whether to let Mr. Long bill hourly, or give him a flat fee for his work. The city attorney, James Schroeder stated it is hard to have a flat fee for work. He stated that he does the same work being given to Mr. Long for Hamilton Twp. so while the issue is being looked into Mr. Schroeder will do the work. Mind you it is out of his contract so he will be billing for the work. He also stated if he has a question he will contact Mr. Long’s firm. That will be an additional fee. The attorney’s fees are spiraling out of control in the Commission’s effort to repay them for their support in the last election. The city administrator admitted that the city has been paying Long...