City of Millville Budget 2018

Commissioner Parent introduced the 2018 budget stating there would be no tax increase.  Great news!  However, one commissioner does not agree. Commissioner Pepitone wants to increase your taxes.

In past years each commissioner met with the chief financial officer and the commissioner of revenue and finance to discuss the budget prior to its presentation. Apparently this commission does not have time for those helpful discussions due to their full-time jobs.

Pepitone insisted taxes would have to be raised due to the lawsuits Team Santiago just settled.  Those cases should not have been settled. Some of the employees involved are the subject of an ongoing federal investigation. Two of the cases had been upheld by the courts in favor of the city so there was no need or reason to “settle”. The City had already won.

If Santiago’s Team needs money why not  ask the Levoy to pay the $200,000 it owes the City.  Santiago’s Team could also ask the Millville Urban Redevelopment Corporation to pay back the $300,000 that is owed to the city. Maybe Team Santiago should not have unnecessarily renegotiated the Chief’s contract giving the chief more holidays and money.

And lastly, if you want a walking patrol in the downtown area, look no further than your CDBG funds. This is how the previous patrols were funded. And it did not cost local taxpayers.

Added up, there is over $700,000 that Santiago’s Team would have to either lower taxes or fulfill Pepitone’s dreams.   


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