Team Santiago Vote to Support Doug Long and his Firm

Team Santiago voted May 5, 2020 to keep Doug Long and his firm as the personnel attorney for the city of Millville by a vote of 3-2. Pepitone started the discussion stating they voted originally for Long and there was no need to replace him. Apparently conviction of a crime, ethics violations, and money mismanagement do not matter to Pepitone. Pepitone also stated falsely that Long was less expensive then than the replacement law firm. The city is actually paying more for Doug Long’s law firm at a time when the city should be looking for ways to save money.

Next up was Cooper who also supported Long and his firm. He stated that they were consistent. This is true. Long and Marmero have consistently donated PAC money to cities in return for lucrative legal contracts. Team Santiago was the beneficiary of those donations in the last election. Remember Cooper’s ethics when he is up for freeholder election in November.

Santiago also backed Long and his firm singing their praises. Santiago has long been a fan of Long’s since it was during Doug Long’s tenure as freeholder that Mr. Santiago got his undersheriff job with the substantial raise. Can you spell double/triple dipper?

At least Mr. Parent and Ms. Udalovas voted to remove Long and his firm to no avail.
At least now the citizens of Millville know that Santiago, Pepitone, and Cooper do not have Millville’s best interest at heart and that the “organization” is dictating their votes. They are more concerned with party paybacks and making sure their cronies are getting paid. Long’s law firm has been fired by other governing bodies for overcharging and forced to resign from other solicitorships due to bad legal advice. All three lawyers, Long, Marmero, and Grace have had their share of difficulties. Who would you want to represent you – an ethical, knowledgeable law firm or one to whom  your Commissioners owe their election?

Attend the meetings, call your commissioners, let your voices be heard. Tell your friends and neighbors what is going on with your commissioners.


Robert Craf said…
Ah Jack Surrency - a hypocrite who wants history to repeat itself. Jack everyone knows when you were fired from your county job at work force you went straight to doug long to get you a job. Everyone knows doug got you that job at the improvement authority even when they begged him not to higher a lazy do nothing like you. And when you were fired from the authority, everyone knew you went right back to doug for another job. And everyone knows that doug got you that job in Fairfield even though they begged him to let them higher someone competent. And when you were fired from Fairfield everyone knew including doug that no one in their right mind would higher Jack surrency - that’s why you’re still unemployed. So what did you do? You went to doug and asked him to get you elected because you needed the freeholder salary and because doug can get anyone elected even a stiff like you. Now you say Doug must go when what everyone has been telling doug (the only one that has ever helped you) is that jack must go. I pray that this election exposes you for the lazy, incompetent loser you truly are. Anyone that votes for you either wants to sabotage our county or is as inept as you are.
Ricky Jackson said…
Millville insider you have no credibility! Your reporting is all one sided as you are turning government into a team sport. All bids for town attorneys are done with the transparent RFQ system and each contract is public information.Each town needs attorneys and choose who they want to work with taking into consideration many factors You obviously dislike this man and want to spread your version of the facts. I'm fascinated how you know what is best for our town or maybe you are just a cheerleader for your team. Just report the news please! Let us decide whats best for us.

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