The Industrial Commission vs. MURC
Team Santiago abolished the volunteer Industrial Commission with a 3-1 vote. Commissioner Udalovas was against the abolishment of the Industrial Commission. The fact that the Industrial Commission and economic development is in Commissioner Udalovas’ department did not seem to matter to the other commissioners. In fact, Commissioner Parent discussed how he and Mayor Santiago are meeting with potential new businesses. Why once again has Commissioner Udalovas been shut out of her department? Team Santiago rehired the Millville Urban Renewal Corporation (MURC) with a 4-0 vote. Derella, Quinn, and Parent formed MURC supposedly for the purpose of “economic development”. In reality it was a back door way to get the College Innovation building on High Street built without the public knowing how much it cost. MURC was the brainchild of Don Ayres and Kim Warker Ayres. Their main focus has always been the downtown art district at the expense of concentrating on industry and job...