
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Industrial Commission vs. MURC

Team Santiago abolished the volunteer Industrial Commission with a 3-1 vote. Commissioner Udalovas was against the abolishment of the Industrial Commission. The fact that the Industrial Commission and economic development is in Commissioner Udalovas’ department did not seem to matter to the other commissioners. In fact, Commissioner Parent discussed how he and Mayor Santiago are meeting with potential new businesses. Why once again has Commissioner Udalovas been shut out of her department? Team Santiago rehired the Millville Urban Renewal Corporation (MURC) with a 4-0 vote. Derella, Quinn, and Parent formed MURC supposedly for the purpose of “economic development”. In reality it was a back door way to get the College Innovation building on High Street built without the public knowing how much it cost. MURC was the brainchild of Don Ayres and Kim Warker Ayres. Their main focus has always been the downtown art district at the expense of concentrating on industry and job...


Former City Commissioner Joseph Sooy hand delivered the following petition to Superior Court Judge Cimino today (April 23, 2018) at 11:30 A.M. Petition for Investigation of Millville City Commission, Cumberland County April 20, 2018 Pursuant to the provisions of NJSA 40A:5-22 the undersigned, all freeholders who have within one (1) year paid, and are currently paying taxes in the City of Millville, hereby petition a Judge of the Superior Court to initiate a summary investigation into the affairs of the City of Millville and to appoint an expert or experts to prosecute such investigation. The undersigned have reason to believe that the tax moneys of Millville are being and have been unlawfully and corruptly expended. The undersigned contend that the following acts, among others unknown that may be discovered in an investigation, were unlawful and corrupt: I Mayor Santiago, acting ultra vires and usurping the authority of Commissioner Udalavos, the ...

Exorbitant Cost of Out of Town Lawyers

Team Santiago hired an Atlantic County attorney to be our city solicitor, James Schroeder. Mr. Schroeder submitted his bid of $55, 000.00 for the year to be the city solicitor. But that was basically to come to the Commission meetings and he reserved the right to charge extra for almost anything else at the rate of $150.00 per hour. For years the established hourly rate was $130.00.Well the bills for the first 3 months are in and Mr. Schroeder has been paid $68,132.49!!! At this rate he is on track to make close to $300,000.00 this year. Team Santiago also hired Doug Long’s firm. He has been paid   $53,791.71 in the first three months and is on track to take home $215,166.00 this year. Doug Long’s firm was hired for $150.00 per hour with the maximum at $100,000.00. They are half way there in 3 months. Change orders will be coming in shortly. This is a brief glimpse into what partisan politics is going to cost the city of Millville. Commissioner Parent is in charge of Re...

The Demolition of 109 E. Main Street: Part II

At the April 17, 2018 Commission meeting the demolition of 109 E. Main Street was discussed by the public and the commissioners. The commissioners asked the auditor to answer citizens’ questions. That’s not his job. The auditor’s role is that of a watchdog. He is to examine the financial records of the city looking for any irregularities, discrepancies, omissions or violation of the law. Parent stated over and over that Mr. Cesaro was his friend. Commissioner Parent’s friend should not be auditing the city’s finances, an independent, nonbiased auditor should. How can Mr. Cesaro now objectively look at the financial records of the city and evaluate their compliance and accuracy, if he made the recommendations. This is like the old story of the fox guarding the hen house. The City is paying a lot of money to the Chief Financial Officer, the Purchasing agent and the City Solicitor. Why was the auditor advising the city how to fund the demolition, how to vote, whether...

The Demolition of 109 E. Main Street

The property at 109 E Main Street has been the focus of a lot of attention lately.   Here are the facts: 1.      January 5, 2017 , the first notice of violation was written on the property at 109 E. Main Street on. This is not a typo it was in 2017 ! 2.      February 18, 2018, the owner of the building hired a structural engineer who contacted the construction department in Millville in writing and in person regarding the condition of the building. 3.      March 8. 2018, the construction department sent a letter to the owner of 109 E. Main Street and gave the owner until March 22, 2018 to allow the city to enter the building. 4.      March 26, 2018 at 2:32pm, the construction official notified the acting city engineer, Brian Prohowich, asking him to have someone look at the site. The engineering department notified the municipal administrator to ask the parks de...