City of Millville Budget 2018: Part II

The 2018 budget has been introduced. The good news for the taxpayers is that in its present form there is no tax increase. Commissioner Pepitone is still pushing to increase your taxes so stay tuned.

The budget presentation was given by the auditor for the city. He made comments about the positive position the city is in due to an increase in the tax collection rate and there was an increase in the surplus. These positive results are due to actions taken by the previous commission. One of the points that Commissioner Pepitone made during the recent election was that surplus was being used up too quickly. However, now that he is elected he voted to use even more than the commission he criticized.  He did that to avoid a tax increase this year. The result is a decrease in   surplus to $2.9 million. Why is this important?

The recent need to demolish a building on East Main Street has been in the news lately. The price tag for the demolition is $1.2 million. That is not the full cost. This $1.2 million does not include the lawyer and engineering fees, the tipping fees, nor the dumpster fees. Where is this money going to come from? If surplus is used that will bring the present surplus down to 1 million dollars. This commission is on a slippery slope.


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