The Millville Attorneys: Long and Schroeder

Team Santiago voted unanimously to hire Doug Long as the City’s Personnel, Foreclosure, Affordable Housing, and Tax Appeal attorneys.  Surprise, Surprise!!

Democratic Chairman/ City Attorney Doug Long once again is facing serious ethics violation charges.

On December 13, 2017, Doug Long was fined by the State of New Jersey Local Finance Board for an ethics violation. The details can be found at:

This is not Mr. Long and his firm’s first ethics violation. They are repeat offenders.

In 2014, Mr. Long and his firm were fired by the City of Trenton because of yet more ethics charges. This link is:

On November 4, 2016 
the New Jersey Supreme Court reprimanded Long and his partner for another ethics violation.  The details of this violation can be found at:

On November 9, 2017, the Election Law Enforcement Commission 
charged Long and Joe Derella with violating the New Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act. Joe Derella is a former Millville Commissioner and presently a Cumberland County Freeholder up for re-election. The details of these charges are found at:

And yes there is more. Mr. Long was directly involved with the June 2018 ethics violation involving Delran’s mayor. Delran’s mayor was recently found guilty of 2 ethics violations. Doug Long was involved in both of the charges. The details can be found at:

As a result of the most recent ethics charge, Long’s firm resigned as Delran’s municipal attorney. Details of the resignation can be found at:

Doug Long has clearly demonstrated that he believes the rules do not apply to him. More importantly he lacks a moral compass and is undeterred by ethical rules of conduct.
Mr. Parent has repeatedly bragged that he only hires the best. If this is Mr. Parent’s idea of the best attorney for the city of Millville, what does his moral compass look like? Team Santiago constantly brag about their “positivity”. How is hiring an attorney with this track record positive?
Team Santiago’s choice for city solicitor was James Schroeder. Mr. Schroeder’s low bid covered attending meetings, preparing resolutions, and advising the mayor and commissioners. However looking at his bill, he is charging for preparing for the meetings he is to attend and advising the commissioners.

Here are a few examples:

          2-7-18  Draft correspondence to Mayor                               $105.00

          3-8-18   Review Meeting Minutes                                            $  45.00

          3-23-18 Review Agenda for April 3                                         $ 45.00

          3-28-18 Meetings with City Officials                                      $225.00

          4-2-18 Meeting with Mayor, Commissioner
              Udalovas, Brian P. and Regina B.                                           $225.00

          4-17-18 Prepare Statement for Commissioners                  $165.00

          6-6-18 Review and analysis of the agenda in 
              preparation for the Commission Meeting                         $ 75.00


Ms. Udalovas promised to look at all bills. Has she?

There is a clause in Mr. Schroeder’s contract stating that:

            “…If employees of the municipality request services from the                           Consultant which exceed the Scope of Services contained in Article II of this Contract, the services requested shall not be rendered until the Commissioner in charge of the Department has approved the of commencing of the work. “

Is this being done? Is there documentation showing the work was approved in advance? Is there an estimate of the cost prior to the approval? The total of Mr. Schroeder’s bill is already over $120,000. At this rate his contract will be out of money by September.

Some recently filed reports to ELEC shows The South Jersey Stands Tall, the PAC that funded the negative commercials during the recent election, has now gone dormant with the election of Team Santiago. No more money spent and no more money raised. The individual in charge of this PAC is James Schroeder’s office manager. The phone number is James Schroeder’s. Team Santiago should be nervous as this is similar to how the mayor of Delran got into ethics trouble.

How is Atlantic County James Schroeder a positive force in the city of Millville? His contract is an obvious political payback at a great cost to the taxpayers.

It is easy to talk “positivity” but actions speak louder than words. Team Santiago is lining the pockets of out of town lawyers with very poor track records. Is this how you want your tax dollars spent? Speak up and let Team Santiago know what you think. Millville deserves to have ethical and honest legal representation.


Anonymous said…
Positivity is overrated and bull. When somebody is always trying to be positive, they are compensating for lack of knowledge or they are hiding something. In this case it is both. Santiago & Parent, and now Derella, are proof of that especially when it comes to their connections with Long. How can anyone continue to associate with a proven unethical attorney is beyond me.
Anonymous said…
Hopefully the people who voted for the current commissioners will begin to see their mistake. When next year's budget arrives there will be considerable hand-wringing and belated complaints. This crop of professional politicians is of an ilk worse than any. The blatant redistribution of tax dollars to their friends and enablers has clearly been planned and executed by others much more skilled and intelligent then the five commissioners that are controlled by others. The power brokers that are stealing from Millville appear to be the new mafia. It would seem at this point our only hope is that commissioner's silent partners abandon them if the fire gets too hot. Surely the five small insignificant fish will be the first to be thrown under the bus. In combination with the increasing interest rates and ever higher taxes our already unaffordable town cannot flourish. Limited funds wasted on expensive out-of-town professionals can only have a negative effect. It is discouraging to hear the commissioners claims and promises of their concern for the citizens when their disgraceful actions prove their true agenda is something much different!

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