Team Santiago to Give More Money to Out of Town Attorneys!!

Pay close attention to the August 7, 2018 Commission meeting. Here are the questions the agenda raises:

1.    There is an ordinance to adopt the redevelopment plan by CME Associates. Why is the redevelopment plan not attached to the agenda? Where is the transparency that Team Santiago promised?

2.    There is a bond ordinance for $550,000. The bond is for $160,000 in IT improvements but the improvements are not specified so are they necessary?  The rest of the bond is for 7 new vehicles for the police and fire department.

3.    There are two resolutions giving more money to Doug Long’s law firm, Marmero and Grace. Team Santiago initially gave the firm $110,000 in two contracts and are increasing the contracts to $140,000. That means that in 7 months the firm has exceeded their original contract. This should not be a surprise. Why is Team Santiago giving more money to lawyers with previous and pending ethics charges? (Read the blog: The Millville Attorneys: Long and Schroeder) 
4.    Another Team Santiago donor, Pennoni and Associates are also having their contract raised. This time it is an additional $40,000. This is for work done on the demolition. The total cost of that demolition is now close to $2 million of your tax money. (Read the blogs on Demolition at 109 E. Main Street for more information)

5.    And lastly and this should be no surprise. Jim Schroeder’s contract is being increased by $40,000. He is the city’s municipal attorney from Atlantic County. This blog predicted his contract would be out of money by September. ( Read the blog: The Millville Attorneys: Long and Schroeder) 
Watch or attend this commission meeting to see if Team Santiago will explain why they have given away another $110,000 in campaign paybacks to their out of town donors. When will this end? Remember Team Santiago promised transparency and nonpartisan politics during the election. This blog is predicting the taxpayers’ money will continue to be given away to those who donated to Team Santiago’s election with no explanation.
If you are tired of Team Santiago’s lies and disregard for the taxpayers get involved. Go to the commission meetings, write comments on this blog, email your commissioners, write letters to the editor. It is up to each of us to stand up and hold Team Santiago accountable.


Anonymous said…
Pay to play at it's best. Please citizens don't be so blind and ignore these facts. This is OUR money being spent out of control. The truth then gets shadowed by hands prints on a wall.
Anonymous said…
The tombstone is being engraved, "Here lies Millville's Taxpayer. Tortured and Buried by Democrat Power Brokers". In Monday's paper The Journal has four (4) pages of foreclosure listings. An examination of the principle and interest payments and property tax shows that in some cases the taxes exceed the principle and interest payment. How ridiculous is that? While the mortgage will some day be paid the taxes are forever, unavoidable and unaffordable! This Commission, guided by something or someone, is only concerned with sending your tax dollars to overpaid and often unnecessary favored people and projects. It is commendable that there was no municipal tax rate increase in 2018, but that astounding success was due to the prior commissions hard work and austerity. This Commission will tell you that the increase coming your way is necessary and cannot be avoided. They are counting on everyone forgetting what they are doing, hiding their actions and stripping you of your money before there are repercussions. It's time to start putting money aside to pay for the surprises that Santiago and Parent have orchestrated. Lousy contracts, written by the beneficiaries, fake emergencies, wants instead of needs and political pay backs will all be paid by the hard working citizens of Millville. Parent, Santiago and those they owe will all unjustly benefit. Fleecing the taxpayer, redistributing your money and fulfilling the wishes of those that control them are their only concern. August 7th meeting starts at 7pm. The resolutions they will pass at this meeting will spend more money then they will be able to collect without raising the tax rate, but "hey you all will forget that by the time the budget rolls around for next year". Gotcha!

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