Team Santiago Has Raised Your Taxes!!!

Team Santiago adopted the 2019 budget and yes they raised your taxes. Every Millville taxpayer will be hammered with an increase in your city, your school board, and your county taxes. Where is all this additional money going? Are the schools and government services better?  School population is decreasing. City and County services have not expanded or improved. However, the consultants and professional hires are doing quite well.

Team Santiago will tell you that the increase is needed for extra police officers. That is not true. The last commission put the money for those officers in the budget with no increase. It just took Team Santiago this long to fill the positions.

Make no mistake the increase in the budget is due to the $2 million dollar demolition of the Eagles building next to Jim’s Lunch that was not bid and was not an emergency. How do you like the grotesque looking expensive support system that now occupies a prime spot on Main Street?

 The tax increase is due in part to the election paybacks.  New, unneeded positions have been created, unnecessary raises have been handed out, and expensive unneeded consultants hired. Everyone should remember Schroeder, Long, and Pennoni. Let’s not forget that the interest due from the Levoy has been forgiven. You can’t keep giving money away without taking it from the taxpayers.

What is Team Santiago thinking? Mr. Parent is no stranger to a tax increase as when he was in office last time he increased taxes again and again. However Ms. Udalovas should be more aware. Her department should be well aware of the number of foreclosures in Millville already. What does she think this tax increase is going to do to the families that are barely making ends meet? And Mr. Pepitone should be the most sympathetic of all. His properties were previously sold at tax sale when he could not, or would not pay his taxes. He knows what high taxes due to someone in a tough position.

One can only hope that at some point Team Santiago wakes up and starts thinking about the taxpayer.


david kiley said…
as to the last line of this article....DONT HOLD YOUR BREATH......

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