Pepitone Just Does Not Get It

At the May 7, 2019 meeting, an ordinance was introduced by Mr. Pepitone to increase the number of lieutenants and sergeants in the police department. The question is why. According to Mr. Pepitone it will look cleaner in the ordinance book as this ordinance has been changed 6 times since 2011.  Now what will this ordinance really do? It will allow the chief of police to promote more officers to superior officers. This at a time when Millville needs more police on the street not more officers doing administrative duty. If Chief Farabella fills all those administration positions it will once again cost the taxpayers and not leave enough money in the budget for the officers who are sorely underpaid. Farabella has already proven that he is not concerned about his officers or the taxpayers when he renegotiated his recently signed contract that was less than a year old. Pepitone thought this was a good idea.

At the meeting, when the other commissioners questioned the need and cost of increasing administrative officers, Pepitone stated it is his department and you are coming in my lane. Pepitone then went on to state he is a good manager. Pepitone has proven that he cannot manage his own funds (see previous blogs on his failure to pay his own taxes) and now Pepitone is mismanaging the police department budget. Farabella said that the number of administrators in the police department should not be explained to the public. Why? What is he hiding? The public pays the salaries.

Pepitone went on to say that there could be no promotions without commission approval. Not True. The chief can use the money in his budget for the promotions and forego having more police on the streets.

Only Commissioner Udalovas voted no citing budgetary concerns. Mr. Santiago once again did his old trick of arguing against the ordinance but then voting for it. Someday maybe he will stick to his guns and protect the taxpayer.

The second reading of this ordinance is at the May 21, 2019 meeting. Let your commissioners know this will cost the taxpayer and will not decrease crime in Millville. Come to the meeting and voice your opinion.


Dennis Romanik said…
Taxpayers of Millville that even care a little bit need to remember everything that has gone wrong with this city Commission. Remember this when election time comes up. Kick Team Santiago to the curb. Do not let money buy
the election again.

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