Where are the "GOOD THINGS TO COME"?

At what point does Team Santiago start to care about the citizens of Millville, the citizens who voted them into office? The citizens who are looking at a substantial tax increase this year.

Team Santiago proved they do not care about the citizens of Millville with the $2 million dollar demolition payback to their campaign contributors. Further proof was Team Santiago’s renegotiation of the Levoy’s loan agreement and forgiving over $200,000 the Levoy owed the city. Team Santiago showed further disregard for the citizens of Millville by moving the fireworks to the Millville Motorsports Park and the city, yes the taxpayers, paid for the fireworks while the Millville Motorsports Park reaped the financial benefits.

And now Team Santiago is extending the Millville Motorsports track PILOT out to 30 years! This means that the track will not pay their share of the tax burden for 30 years! Team Santiago is increasing the citizens of Millville’s taxes while the Millville Motorsports Park gets a tax break.  Is this the straw that finally will make the taxpayers say enough is enough?  Is that what will make the citizens finally get involved?

The citizens of Millville were promised good things to come. The only good things have been for Team Santiago’s cronies not the citizens of Millville.


Libertarian said…
Over and over and again the Ruling Politicians tell us that Tax abatement and Pilot programs are needed tool to attract new business. If we don't use these giveaways our town will not be the location chosen by these businesses and we will lose economic benefits. Boo Hoo to the businesses that are already here that don't have that advantage and have been paying the exorbitant taxes that rise every year! The Ruling Class continues that abatement and Pilots are are temporary and the benefits down the road outweigh this temporary loss.

Well here we go...... lets make these giveaways nearly permanent for our friends in high places. Many of the homeowners in Millville, those that deal with the noise from the track, will be retired and living in an affordable state before the the 30 year exemption from local taxation of the Land and Improvements expires.

I'd like to hear the explanation as to how this extension will benefit those that are paying the ever increasing full amount. What could the five commissioners be thinking? Will the NJMP pull up their asphalt and move to Vineland? will they abandon the multi-million dollar investment? Will someone have to sell their extremely expensive race car to pay the tax that everyone else struggles with on a daily basis?

Funny how we are sold a "Bill of Goods", are told endless lies concerning the magnificent effects of hosting this development, and now down the road the initial terms, the written agreements and the long term benefits are set to disappear ------ Where? Sold out by the generous Team Santiago. Thanks Mike and Team. Hey, if I ask can you cut my taxes in half? "Awe we can't do that. what you get is an increase!!"
Thank you for your comments. Hopefully if individuals like yourself will speak up and let Team Santiago know how they feel. Maybe then they might start to listen.

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