Team Santiago Set to Give Away More Money

Team Santiago is set to spend over $1.6 million of taxpayers money at the commission meeting on September 17th.  When will their reckless spending end?

First Team Santiago will vote to pay the Wheaton property developer, New Yorker Anthony DeSantis $125,000. The Wheaton property has been in disrepair for years sitting at the entrance to the city of Millville. It is the first impression anyone gets when entering the city. GGI, the owner of the Wheaton property, in addition to not repaying money borrowed from the City, didn’t pay its taxes for years cheating the city out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Jim Parent and Jim Quinn were Directors of Revenue and Finance for much of that time but chose to do nothing about the problem or the unpaid taxes. The citizens of Millville deserve to hear the explanation for their collective inaction.

When the City got a new Director of Revenue and Finance, the city began foreclosure proceedings in an effort to do something about this eyesore. In response to the foreclosure, GGI declared bankruptcy and the bankruptcy judge decided the property should be returned to GGI.

Once the court proceedings were over Team Santiago could have demanded the back taxes. They did not. Why? The amount was well over $400,000. Once again Mr. (I have a lot of experience in government) Parent allowed GGI to skate and not pay its taxes. GGI got a deal that is even better than the racetrack’s. Let some poor “no connections” private citizen not pay and see what happens.  It’s known as “foreclosure”. There seems to be a pattern, Mr. Parent and Team Santiago do not feel everyone should pay their fair share or play be the same rules. Let’s not forget that Team Santiago may still give the NJ Motorsports Park that PILOT extension.

Now Team Santiago Team Santiago is voting to give Anthony DeSantis $125,000? Why, their purchase agreement was for $25,000? Why does this redeveloper deserve another $100,000 especially since he is backing out of the project? Team Santiago not only did not collect the money owed but are giving away $100,000 more!

When will Team Santiago stop the endless spending? This money will cause a tax increase again. How much can the taxpayer take before they start leaving Millville in droves? Is this spending part of the so-called good things to come? Mr. Parent supposedly understands Revenue and Finance but does he? All he seems to understand is wasteful spending. Go to the meeting on September 17th at 7pm. Tell Team Santiago to stop.


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