Udalovas Accuses Pepitone of Spreading Propaganda

The December 2nd city commission meeting once again showed how out of touch with the people of Millville Team Santiago is.

Mr. Pepitone presented a slide show of the Wheaton property on G Street. The slide show emphasized why something has to be done about this property. Mr. Pepitone confirmed that there are squatters living there and an individual had set up a work site to process stolen copper. Mr. Pepitone and Mr. Cooper both stated that something had to be done about the property. Everyone already knew that something needs to be done, so what are they going to do? Once again no solutions were offered. Mr. Santiago as usual said nothing looking at his phone through most of the presentation.  Mr Parent sat there and laughed. What is so funny? He later stated what is going on at the Wheaton property is mind boggling. Where has he been? Mr. Parent had numerous opportunities to do something, anything, about this property when he was in office before and now. Both times the only thing that happened while in office was that the taxes were not collected from GGI for the property. WHY? The surprise of the night was Ms. Udalovas’ reaction. She gave several reasons why Mr. Pepitone should not be talking about the property. First, the slide show was not in good taste. Second, the property should not be discussed due to attorney-client privilege. Third, this property is not within the scope of his department. And lastly, that the slide show was propaganda to force the commission to do something with the property. Shouldn’t something be done? Ms. Udalovas went on to say that the Wheaton property is not the worse property in Millville, that Millville has several derelict properties. Sadly this is so but it is located at the entrance of the city and is HUGE so it should be a priority as it is the first impression one gets upon coming to Millville.

There was a presentation on the new trash ordinance. Yes, it was already approved by this commission. Why are they presenting the facts after the ordinance was passed. Mr. Cooper asked the most questions. Shouldn’t this have been done prior to any voting? Mr. Pepitone thanked Mr. Cooper for all his questions as now he understands things better! This new system resulted in yet another bond for the citizens to pay. Time will tell if this system is an improvement.

Team Santiago continues to prove that they are running the city without understanding what is happening. The infighting has started, especially between Ms. Udalovas and Mr. Pepitone. Mr. Cooper votes and questions afterwards. Mr. Santiago says nothing. Mr. Parent is disconnected and ineffectual. The only truly telling statement came from Mr. Pepitone when he stated he doesn’t feel they are doing their jobs if they keep on extending the city financially.


Dennis Romanik said…
Mayor Santiago and Mister Parent has not cared about Millville for years. They're worried about their own well-being. When are the voters of Millville going to wise up?

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