The Planning Board and Citizens Working Together

Thank you to everyone who turned out for the Planning Board meeting on February 10th. Whether you spoke or not your support by coming to the meeting helped. Thank you also to the planning board for allowing people to express their opinions and ask question. There was no time limit imposed upon those that spoke. Citizens were even allowed to speak more than once. It was a refreshing change from the city commission meetings where the citizens are ignored or criticized by Team Santiago.

The planning board respected the comments of each and everyone that spoke and that in turn earned the planning board respect. Every comment was listened to and every question was answered. The result was the planning board is recommending that the new zoning ordinance be tabled by Team Santiago so it can be worked on further taking into consideration the comments made at the meeting by the public. That is transparency. That is the process working. That is the citizens being heard.

This proves that your voice makes a difference. Come to the meetings. Let your comments be heard. You can help the city to move forward


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