Team Santiago Set to Raise Taxes

It is budget time in the city of Millville. Step one for the tax and spend group now in City Hall is to find a way around the state mandate that taxes can only be raised by 2.5%. Of course there is always a loophole and the commissioners snuck through it and voted to exceed the “cap” and raise taxes by 3.5%, which is around $973,000. The commission voted for this stating it was recommended by the employees and the auditor. It seems that Team Santiago has forgotten that they are the elected officials and not the employees and consultants that do not live in Millville. They can hear recommendations but the decisions are theirs and should be based on what is best for Millville’s taxpayers.

Step two is to add this 3.5% to the money that was banked in the past. When combined Team Santiago now has in a position to increase the budget by 1.5 million dollars.

The commissioners and the chief financial officer have admitted that the budget is in trouble this year. To balance the budget last year, Team Santiago used most of the surplus and also took money from the trust fund. The trust fund is money that was set aside to pay for the employees insurance. Both of these funds have to be replenished so the budget is starting in the hole $1.5 million dollars to make up for Team Santiago’s poor fiscal decisions last year.

How did Team Santiago get the city to this point:

1.     Team Santiago will say it is because they hired more policemen. Not true! The money needed for new police officers was already in the budget from the last commission.

2.     Team Santiago hired several new employees, not to fill vacancies, but just additional staff. This expense recurs and increases every year.

3.     Team Santiago keeps increasing the City’s debt by issuing bonds to pay for items that should not be bonded but rather paid for as ordinary expenses.

4.     Team Santiago wasted money on the infamous $2 million East Main Street demolition that they did not bid.

Team Santiago doesn’t get it. Stop unnecessary spending. Get back to sound fiscal policy. Don’t raise taxes. Clean up the City. Make it attractive fiscally and physically and just maybe everybody won’t move out.


Unknown said…
So true. They still have no idea as to what they are doing. They just continue to throw money at problems they shouldn't. Like the no bid demolition. The winnable lawsuits that involved relatives of Commissioners. Out of control contractors costs that were supposed to be capped. Sleazy rip-off lawyers, hired as donor contributors payback. So on and so on. So now just increase our taxes. That always solves the inept management of people lacking in skills to run a strong government operation.
Unknown said…
This will be the second time one Commissioner is behind on paying his taxes up to date, as of todate over one month late. What does this tell you? Can't pay his but will vote to raises ours. Today, there are many senior's in Millville, one's that seen it at it's best. Now we see it at it's worst. People that are young are walking away, I would trade my SSI each month for the cost of boards and boarding up houses each month. The city just sold one property CCIA for $1.00. That will help. Millville owns 123 lots in town, what is the man power cost to cut and clean these all summer? My kind of town, where shame is now the game.
It is crucial that people go to the commission meetings. You do not have to speak if you don't want to - others will. If enough people just show up it makes a difference. Let Team Santiago know that enough is enough.

As far as Commissioner Pepitone not paying his taxes again, this is not the first time. He should realize what a burden high taxes are since he hasn't been able to pay them when they were lower.

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