September has been a busy month in Cumberland County for investigations and lawsuits.


According to the Daily Journal, the FBI is investigating the Cumberland County Improvement Authority (CCIA) for the United States Attorney General. Records have been seized at both the CCIA and the Cumberland County Technical Education Center. So how does this affect Millville? The Cumberland County Improvement Authority is in charge of economic development for the city of Millville under the direction of Kim Warker Ayres. If the CCIA is under federal investigation should Millville be paying the CCIA to redevelop the city? How does it look to outside investors if the city’s redevelopment entity is being investigated? Tell your Team Santiago to fire the CCIA. Millville’s association with the CCIA gives Millville a bad name.


The Division of Community Affairs (DCA) has been to Millville’s city hall in the recent months. The DCA is in charge of regulating construction departments. Team Santiago under the direction of Commissioner Udalovas, brought the construction department in-house and now the state is investigating. Not a word was said regarding this at a recent commission meeting. What is being done to remedy this situation? How will this investigation affect the construction department’s ability to do their job? Why isn’t Team Santiago being transparent about the charges? Ask Team Santiago what is going on?


Finally lawsuits, Doug Long was supposed to be sentenced for tax fraud in September. This has been delayed until November. One of the partners in Mr. Long’s law firm, Mr. Grace, had declared bankruptcy and that case is being finalized. Mr. Grace had over $1 million dollars in debt that he may not have to pay. Yes, that is $1,000,000. Again does the city of Millville want to be associated with Long and Grace and their law firm. Team Santiago thinks so. What does this association do for the image of the city? Tell Team Santiago to get rid of the law firm, Marmero and Grace.


When will Team Santiago stop the political games and work for the citizens of Millville? It is time for Team Santiago to cut their political ties and stop the paybacks and work for Millville.


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