At the February 16th meeting, Commissioner Udalovas  discussed economic development

in Millville.  Remember Team Santiago promising good things to come? Where are those good things? 

She brought up the disbanding of the Industrial Commission stating:

        "I need only to highlight the fact that in the early months of this Commission, a Board titled

         in our city's Ordinance as the Industrial Commission was dissolved without thought for its 

         mission or even the contributions in time and volunteerism of it members. It is confirmed 

         through this action alone, that the due process and expertise that our constituents and local

         volunteers bring to the City's process are only valued when favoring the will of a 


The highlighted sentence says it all. This is the good old boys' club business as usual. Everyone

has to agree, no new ideas, doing business the same old way with the same consultants, make sure 

the comments are positive, and smear anyone who disagrees with you. This archaic way of doing

business has cost Millville dearly. Taxes are up, property values are down, no jobs in sight,

and people are moving away. 

It seems that Commissioner Udalovas has seen the light. She has been speaking out against Team

Santiago and their policies this year. She further stating:

         " The concept of every first and third Tuesday constituting a public spectacle for these

         same peers to grandstand for the upcoming election season is further disheartening to

         our City's professionals...... It is disheartening for me to see that this job in public service

         is regarded as one that will not profoundly impact the lives of so many seeking to keep

         their households afloat, but rather a platform to promote themselves as individuals......"

Commissioner Udalovas' last statement says it all. Cooper, Pepitone, Parent, and Santiago are not 

there for the citizens, they are there for themselves. Tell them to go away by not voting for them 

in November.


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