A 35 Year Tax Abatement for an Affordable Housing Project

Another affordable housing project is coming to town. This one is being discussed in a closed session at the July 20, 2021 commission meeting. So much for transparency!

The developers of this project do not want to pay their fair share of taxes. They are requesting a 35 year tax abatement from this commission. Yes, you read it right,  a 35 year tax abatement. That means once again the taxpayers will have to foot the bill for the additional needs of  the fire and police departments, the rescue squad, the schools, and the sewer and water plants. Millville cannot afford this project. Is this one of the "good things to come" promised by this commission?

This affordable housing project has not been approved yet. Let the commissioners know that you are not for this 35 year tax abatement project. 

Remember the trailer park project on Cedar Street? This project will also not be paying their fair share of the taxes. The city will receive $53.00 per trailer instead of the $345 a house would pay. 

An appeal has been filed to stop the  the trailer park project on Cedar Street. The appeal has to be heard by this commission. Let them know how you feel about this project. 

Watch how Cooper and Pepitone handle these issues. It will tell you if they are really concerned for Millville and the taxpayers or if they are going to continue their wasteful spending. Remember that Cooper and Pepitone are up for re-election in November. Maybe just maybe they will stop their wasteful spending and think of the city and its future for once.


Anonymous said…
With leadership like this Millville will never rise above one of the poorest towns in New Jersey
Everyone needs to vote in the upcoming November election. And when they go to the polls, the voters need to remember the politicians who got Millville in this mess and not vote for them again.

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