On November 2nd it will be time to vote for a new commission. The past four years has been plagued with wasteful spending and poor leadership. The citizens of Millville deserve a change!

The only way for change to occur is to have a large turnout to vote. Your vote does make a difference.

When you vote on Tuesday, think about how the last 4 years have been. Is Millville in a better place than it was 4 years ago? 

Team Quinn ran a campaign where they did not tell the public what they were going to do if elected. They did not attend the town meeting and refused to debate the other candidates. They are assuming that the public will vote for them without knowing any facts. This is an insult to the voters of Millville. Quinn, Cooper, Pepitone, Bowleg, and Perez do not deserve your vote.

It is time to move Millville forward before it is too late. Millville needs new leadership and a new direction. Vote for to change the downhill direction that Millville is moving. Vote for Sooy, Hewitt, McQuade, Orndorf, and Romanik. Let them change Millville for the better.


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