City to Hold Fireworks at Racetrack?

Team Santiago voted 5-0 to pay for fireworks at the New Jersey Motorsports Park on the Fourth of July. The cost to the city is $11,500.00! Why would the city pay for fireworks on private property? There is no entrance fee to watch the fireworks however there are several other considerations.

1.     The fireworks previously were at Union Lake which is located centrally and within walking distance for center city and third ward residents. The Motorsports Park is not within walking distance for any residents.

2.     This is private property. What are the insurance ramifications for the city? What are the extra necessary safety issues?

3.     How will the track benefit from this gift from Team Santiago? Will they be charging and profiting from the use of their paintball field and go karting track? Will they be selling food? Will the restaurant be open and profit from the spectators attracted to the event?

4.     Is the track advertising the free fireworks to attract more patrons to use the track?

What is Team Santiago thinking?


I guess we know where the neighbors can put their concerns over the excessive noise from the racetrack. Now MY tax dollars are supporting a company that violates my rights to the peaceful enjoyment of my property.
Why would the city not only put the fireworks on private property where there is a net benefit to the community of ZERO. The biggest travesty is that the fireworks compete with the FAMILY friendly Cumberland County Fair who is hosting fireworks as well.

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