Lawyer Fees Revisited

Schroeder Law Firm from Atlantic County  (the first in the history of the City from out of town) was
appointed city solicitor based upon the premise his fees, over and above his $55,000 retainer would not
exceed $162,000. After his first month of billing Mr. Schroeder is on track to exceed $300,000 for the
year. Nearly double his promise.
Here is why:

1. Mr. Schroeder charged to research OPRA's submitted by local newspapers at a cost of $3,630.00.
   2. Mr. Schroeder charged to talk to and meet with the commissioners and staff  at
  a cost of  $5,100.00.
   3. Mr. Schroeder’s additional charges relating to the demolition of 109 E Main Street
were $7,645.00 so far.

These three examples exceed $16,000 in one month. There were more charges that month for other
routine matters which bring the grand total for the extras to over $27,000. Remember this is for ONE
month. What were Santiago, Parent, Udalovas, Pepitone, and Cooper thinking? The city solicitor is
charging to talk to the commissioners and the city employees. Wouldn’t you think that talking to
Commissioners and staff would be part of his $55,000 retainer? Scary to think that Team Santiago
has no better business sense than to approve such a loose and extravagant contract.  But then again
it isn’t their money.
What is Team Santiago thinking? This is not financially sound and the ones to foot the bill are the
taxpayers. The only explanation is this is a political payback as no one would ever vote for this type
of contract on its merit. 
Commissioner Udalovas promised to look at the bills being submitted to the city. Hopefully she will
and do something about this.


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