The one question that Team Santiago needs to answer is why now? Why is Team Santiago moving now to extend the NJ Motorsports Park PILOT to 2033 when it does not expire until 2023? A lot can happen in two or three years. The Track might fulfill its promises that it made for the original PILOT, the Track might go on to Phase 2 which would change the amount of the PILOT, the list of what ifs are endless. This long range financial decision should not be made so far in advance. There’s something the track and the commissioners are not telling us. What’s the secret?

Go to the Commission meeting on September 3, 2019 at 7 pm and ask Team Santiago WHY NOW?


Unknown said…
Exactly...it doesn't make any sense to do this now. There is something shady going on. I believe questions arose at the July 16th meeting and the residents were told not to discuss at that meeting and all questions would be answered at the August 2oth meeting along with a presentation by NJMSP. Well that didn't happen. The Commission acted "surprised" by the issues raised and needed to look into this matter further. Stalling....stalling....stalling. Hoping the issue will die down before the final vote.

I pray the majority of residents attend the September 3rd meeting to voice their opinions or ask questions on this matter. Speak now or forever hold your piece.
Hopefully many residents will attend the September 3rd meeting. Questions should be asked and maybe finally Team Santiago will be transparent as promised and tell the citizens why this PILOT is being considered now. Team Santiago has to be held accountable for their decisions. This one if passed will affect the citizens of Millville until 2033!
Anonymous said…
Possibilities: 1. current commission is favorable to the track
2. current commission doesn't care how taxes affect the citizens of Millville
3. current commission has no fiscal responsibility
4. current commission doesn't understand nor follow the law
5. current commission does not reason nor analyze individually without outside
6. current commission is secretive
7. current commission doesn't let facts interfere with their decision

or maybe track owners want to by a new car and payments will need to be made for longer than 3 years. Nothing like planning ahead!
Concerned Tax Payer said…
What if the racetrack or the Commissioners decide to not do anything at all with this at the next meeting? Do you think they might try to avoid the amount of people that went to the last meeting?
It would really be unforgivable for myself, and hopefully many others at election time.

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