Team Santiago Set to Raise Taxes AGAIN!!

Hopefully everyone is staying safe during the corona virus epidemic. If this virus has taught us anything it is the need to plan ahead and be financial prepared. How many small businesses, families and cities will be able to weather this shutdown which is causing decreased income which affects us all in ways that are hard to fathom.

It is budget time and hopefully Team Santiago is watching and learning and realizing that their carefree spending at the beginning of their term is now going to cost the citizens that are barely hanging on.

Yes there will be another tax increase this year from Team Santiago. The budget is hidden away online for anyone that wants to search for it. It is in the agenda for this weeks meeting but only in the packet prompt. So much for transparency.

When Team Santiago took office, they were given close to a $9 million dollar surplus. In this year’s budget that number is now close to $1 million dollars.

The surplus is like a savings account for the city. It can be used for emergencies and to keep taxes stable. It is the money that was paid into taxes that through hard work and tough decisions was not spent. Yes, you are reading correctly, Team Santiago has gone through $8 million dollars in savings by the previous commission.

How? By giving new contracts with substantial raises to employees that were already under contract, by hiring of expensive out of town attorneys, by hiring new employees this does not include the new police officers as they were already in the budget. And the other reason: the $1.2 million dollar demolition that was not bid but given by Mr. Santiago. And yes the other commissioners did not have to vote for it, only one had to vote no and the demolition would have gone out to bid.

So the remaining surplus for the city is only $1.3 million dollars. What if Team Santiago decides to go ahead with another non-bid project? Then the city will have no savings, no safety net. The city may not be able to meet its expenses.

Team Santiago is mismanaging taxpayer’s money. There is another tax increase this year. A year that has started out with many citizens not working, with businesses closed, and no end in sight. This is when the commission needs to hold the line. Stop the wasteful spending. Along with this the Millville School Tax has also gone up. When will the elected officials realize enough is enough?

Call in to the Commission meeting on Tuesday April, 21st. at 5:30. Call (978)990-5000 with the access code of 197407. Tell Team Santiago not to raise our taxes!


Unknown said…
You forgot all the lawsuits they settled for large amounts of money, that the city could have won if went to court. I guess when one of your relatives is involved to make a lot of money on these settlements, you do it, damn the taxpayers and fiscal restraint. Keep up the good work Millville Insider, you provide us with information needed to educate the voters on which way to go in the future.
Thank you for the comment. Please help us spread the word. Pass the blog on to your friends. If more citizens speak up, maybe Team Santiago will start to listen.
Denny said…
That whole commission needs to be voted out. Turn Millville RED.
Unknown said…
Another tax increase, another year. More empty houses, more people leaving. More ratable money gone. Jobs now at a min. Where oh where will the money come from? It's time to get Suze Orman as our financial advisor for the city, someone who knows money and how to say NO to wasteful spending. It's going to be a giant burden on so many young and old. I can't ever forget one Commissioner saying when asked why his property taxes were always delinquent last year, his reply was. " I have other bills to pay". Here again, Pepitone is delinquent again as of Feb. 1st. unpaid and going to vote on another tax increase. What a big joke he is. He doesn't even have the decency or is it brains to abstain on this vote. Can't wait for 2021, not coming fast enough to safe Millville. Not much will be left. Shame - Shame - Shame. Commissioner's of Millville, You have sold us out. At 68 years old, never have I seen any Commission as worthless as this is one. Vote Red, get rid of the dead.
Start finding a team to run NOW if you havent already
Dan Echles said…
Do you think going to court to "win" would be free? Sometimes you spend much more fighting it in court rather than settling. Best to educate yourself on both sides of the scenario.... Millville Insider - how about you report ALL the information not just what fits Jack's side.... pathetic.
Dan Echles said…
Please, you already know who is going to decide who the next batch of Commissioners are....

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