Team Santiago's Doug Long Found Guilty!!!!!

The attorney Team Santiago brought into the city of Millville pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to  federal income tax evasion.  Long concealed more than $800,000 in personal income and evaded payment of more than $250,000 in taxes owed to the IRS, including $368,000 in income and $120,000. Many of Long’s personal expenses, including school tuition for his children, utilities and service fees for his personal residences, student loan payments for Long and his spouse, and other expenses, repeatedly were paid out of the law firm’s bank accounts.

Long directed the bookkeeper to falsely classify these payments as law firm business expenses to avoid his tax obligations. This is same bookkeeper that took the fall for Mr. Long and Mr. Marmero when they were accused of using trust funds to pay their law firm expenses.  See link:
Mr. Long and his law firm presently receive several lucrative law contracts with the city of Millville from Team Santiago. A payback for Mr. Long running Team Santiago's mudslinging campaign when they were elected in 2017. Long and his law firm have been paid  hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly since Team Santiago was elected. Mr. Long and his law firm are also presently hired by the Cumberland County Improvement Authority. 
Mr. Long was the Cumberland County Democratic Chair running the campaigns of Derella and Barber for which election fraud charges are pending.
The tax evasion charge is punishable by a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a potential fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense. Long also agreed to pay restitution to the IRS. 
More details can be found at this link:


Anna DeJoines said…
Odd I can no longer post through my email account since yesterday's comment - your attempt at silencing the truth??? Anyway....You waste more time writing up inaccurate/misleading garbage rather than promoting what you’re about and what you can do for Cumberland. Although it wouldn’t take long to explain your agenda - it’s nothing. I fear for the County if it falls into your hands. You’ll screw it up just as your long track record shows but this time at Cumberland County’s expense as a whole!!!! A leopard never changes its spots - you and politics = USELESS!!!!!! WAKE UP EVERYONE!

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