Team Santiago Raises Your Taxes Again!!!

It is no surprise that Team Santiago raised Millville’s taxes again. Last year it was by 4.5% and this year it is 5%.  The county and the school board also raised their taxes so the taxpayer in Millville is looking at a 10% increase in their property taxes. This comes at a time when many individuals are out of work due to COVID-19 and there is no end in sight. This affects not only the taxpayers but every citizen in Millville as landlords will have to increase rents and businesses will have to charge more to meet expenses.

So what did Team Santiago have to say for themselves when they voted for the tax increase –nothing. As usual they did not answer the public’s questions and did not explain their votes.

Mr. Pepitone once again voted for the tax increase even though he is behind on paying his own taxes. He should understand the burden of taxes as it seems to be a burden to him.

In his ending comments Mr. Parent said this was the toughest budget he had to work with (which he says every year) and was “proud we were able to get it from 13% to 5%”. He was proud of the 5% increase.  How can he be proud when it was this commission’s wasteful spending that caused the city to be in this financial situation? Parent is in charge of revenue and finance.  He can’t do the job.

All the commissioners have voted for hiring expensive out of town attorneys, the 2 million dollar demolition that was not bid, hiring of more employees, and giving substantial raises to “select” employees when not due. Result: Higher taxes!

All five commissioners are to blame. It is time for them to do their jobs and work for the citizens of Millville. They are still in office for another year. Go to the meetings and voice your concerns as they can still do quite a bit of financial damage in the coming year.

PS: Several communities in the area lowered taxes and others held the line so don’t say it can’t be done!


Unknown said…
Add all those family lawsuits that were settled and paid out plenty. No progress in this team.
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