Millville Mayor Found GUILTY of Ethics Violations

The Mayor of the City of Millville, Michael Santiago has been found guilty of ethics violations in using his official position to secure privileges for others. The question remains what else has Mr. Santiago done?


Anonymous said…
Wow! What a penalty! A vote that hurts the taxpayer, helps his kid costs a whopping 200 bucks. maybe Perryman will pay it for him??!!
That's sure to stop him from doing it again.......and again....and again...again,again,again. Thanks local finance board.
Anonymous said…
This has been going on forever. That’s why we have no service but pay high taxes. Be sure what you are voting for in the upcoming . elections.
Unfortunately this is the system in NJ. At least Santiago was found guilty and maybe he will think twice before he does it again. You can notice at the commission meetings now Santiago does not vote on certain police matters that he would have in the past. Quinn was found guilty of ethics charges a few years back when he was a commissioner and it still bothers him.
Anonymous said…
The AUTHOR JOESPH SOOY keeps hiding behind this blog ( created by Gary Meyer) owner of GEM Enterprise on Columbia Avenue (best friends). Wow, talk about over reaching for votes for this next election. And he said “ the Democrats do dirty stuff”. I guess “it’s the nature of the beast, trademarked by JOSEPH SOOY”
Joe Sooy said…
For the record I, Joseph Sooy, do not now, nor have I ever, written this blog. I wish I were able to write this eloquently. Those of you that know me, know that if I were the author, I would gladly tell you. While running for office sort of makes me a public figure, and for some reason incomprehensible to me, allows you to lie about me, which you are doing; it may open you to civil liability to do so to someone who is not a public figure. Consider two things: You may not be as anonymous as you believe and he is a pretty smart guy. I will bring your comments to his attention.
Gary E. Meyer said…
REGARDING "The AUTHOR JOESPH SOOY keeps hiding behind this blog ( created by Gary Meyer) owner of GEM Enterprise on Columbia Avenue (best friends). Wow, talk about over reaching for votes for this next election. And he said “ the Democrats do dirty stuff”. I guess “it’s the nature of the beast, trademarked by JOSEPH SOOY”"

This was brought to my attention as I am Gary Meyer and I do not write this blog not did I create this blog. I have no interest in allocating this much time to Millville's politics, in fact I am on vacation and this was forwarded to me. Your comment does open you up to civil liabilities and I would encourage you to remove your post and think before you comment accusing someone of doing something, much less disparage them and or this business. I'm a small business owner, I'm not from Millville originally and have tried to be my best to make this city better as much as my resources allow. I would not allocate this much time to this blog, in fact I rarely read it, no offense to whomever writes it. Instead, I focus on my business and charitable endeavors, mainly for animals. Yes Joe is my friend 100% and a good man, that's true. I've worked with Democrats and Republicans from the city on issues relating to making the city better so your accusations are simply incorrect.

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