Politics in Millville as Usual

You can tell it is election season. Money is already rolling into the campaigns of certain connected politicians. All this informatin is available on line but here is the summary for some of the commission candidates: Jim Quinn has been a lifelong politician. He was elected to the city commission in 2014 and left in the middle of his term for a county Freeholder post. During his time as county freeholder, Mr. Quinn forgot about Millville. Vineland received all his attention. Maybe that is why, Mr. Quinn just received a loan in the amount of $100,000 from Vineland. Now Mr. Quinn wants to come back to Millville and save High Street. Could part of his motivation be that he owns a business on High Street? A look at who is donating to Mr. Quinn is interesting. Most of the companies are from out of town and many are the contractors hired by Team Santiago such as Pennoni. They must want to make sure that they get their contracts renewed! Mr. Quinn's expenditures show over $12,000 for fundraising at a restaurant. Now this restaurant is not in Millville or Cumberland County but rather in Atlantic City. Why does a local politician need to hold fundraisers in Atlantic City? Why is he not supporting the local restaurants whose owners and employees live here? Ask him! Mr. Pepitone has many of the same donors as Mr. Quinn. Many of whom, Mr. Pepitone has been voting to increase their contract amounts. These increases can be done without verification of the any political donations. Mr. Pepitone has spent over $4000 at the same Atlantic City restaurant as Mr. Quinn. Why? And lastly, Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper has a very interesting donor, Mr. Schroeder. He is the out of town attorney that Team Santiago hired as an election payback. The attorney who overbilled the city by thousands and thousands of dollars. Looks like Mr. Cooper is planning on paying back favors to the same out of town contractors. Millville - enough is enough. Team Quinn is just another Team Santiago. Millville cannot go through another four years of wasteful spending, out of town paybacks, and nothing being accomplished. Vote in November. Millville needs a clean slate to move forward.


Anonymous said…
If you want to see the actual contributions of four members of “Team Quinn”, then goto Disrupting the Agenda 08332 on Facebook
Anonymous said…

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