*****BREAKING NEWS******

 There is breaking news so important that the blog had to come out of retirement.



Yes, that is correct. Mr. Quinn has resigned his commission seat before he was even sworn in! It might be the first time in the history of Millville that an elected commissioner has given up his seat before he was even sworn in. This is not the first time that Mr. Quinn has resigned his commission seat. He previously abandoned Millville to become a County commissioner. 

Mr. Quinn stated he resigned due to his "intention to concentrate on family and business matters".   But is that really the reason? Knowing Mr. Quinn the more logical reason is he will not be mayor this time and no one on his team was elected with him. 

Mr. Quinn has let the citizens of Millville down who voted for him. Those who voted for Mr. Quinn should be mad. He stole their votes.  He was obviously not running to make Millville better.  He ran to  make sure the same individuals were in control of the city and receive their high paying contracts. When he realized he could not keep his good old boys club alive he bailed. 

Shame on you, Mr. Quinn. This is now your legacy.


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