Millville Transparency: Part II
definition of transparency is the quality or state of being free from deceit,
the ability to be easily understood, and increased accessibility of information especially concerning business
practices. This is what Team Santiago promised the citizens of Millville. They
have not kept their promises.
Team Santiago has quickly and
methodically changed the open to the public philosophy of the previous four
years. Behind closed doors is the new rule. The actions of Team Santiago are
going underground. Nothing is in plain view.
So exactly what has changed?
- Work sessions are no longer recorded for
the public to see. Previously they were live on YouTube
Minutes are posted a month
behind. Previously they were posted
after they were approved at the next meeting usually within two weeks
The list of the bills to be
paid are no longer attached to the agenda as they were previously. The public
has to wait a month to see what has been paid when the minutes are finally
posted. By then the bills have been voted on to be paid so the public cannot
question them
Closed sessions were held
after the commission meetings late in the evening. After the closed session,
Team Santiago voted on whatever was discussed. The passed resolutions are listed by number only; there are no details in the minutes.
Again the public did not have an opportunity to comment or even know what the
resolution was unless they OPRA it. The previous commission held the closed
session between the work session and the meeting. The vote was then during the regular
public meeting. This allowed the public to comment on it. The Team Santiago resolutions are already
prepared making one wonder if everything is all predetermined and if so is the
Sunshine Law violated?
Santiago and Parent are
meeting alone with redevelopers. The previous commissioners had the initial
project presentation at the work session so the public would know what was
going on and could comment and all the commissioners would have an opportunity
to ask questions of the developers. Only 2 commissioners can meet in private
with the developer at a time due to the Sunshine Law. The Team Santiago
approach keeps the facts from the public and the other commissioners including
Commissioner Udalovas whose department is in charge of economic development.
Commission meeting agendas
are changed minutes before the meeting. There is a city ordinance 2-6G which
Except for emergency
matters which may be added to the agenda at any time,
the agenda for each regular meeting or special meeting of the
Board of Commissioners shall include only
those matters of business as have been presented or
delivered to the City Clerk not later than 24 hours
preceding the meeting.
This ordinance was followed by the previous
commission. There was an internal policy that all agenda
matters had to be given to the clerk the week prior to the meeting so
the agenda would be finalized by the Friday before the meeting.
This was done so the commissioners would have ample time to
prepare for the meeting and the public would know what would
be discussed. Now every meeting has several last minute
additions, deletions, and changes leaving the public uninformed
and unable to be prepared prior to the meeting. It makes you
wonder why.
If this is Team Santiago’s idea of
transparency maybe they should read the definition again.