The Wheaton Property

The Wheaton property has been in disrepair for years sitting at the entranceway to the city of Millville. It has long been the first impression to anyone entering the city. The owners, GGI, had not paid the taxes for years owing the city hundreds of  thousands of dollars. GGI also blocked the environmental cleanup of the property.

Jim Parent and Jim Quinn were Directors of Revenue and Finance for much of that time but chose to do nothing about the problem or the unpaid taxes.

When the City got a new Director of Revenue and Finance, the city began foreclosure proceedings in an effort to do something about this eyesore  and financial albatross.  In response to the foreclosure, GGI declared bankruptcy and the bankruptcy judge has decided the property should be returned to GGI.

What does this mean for the city of Millville? The city is now once again at the mercy of GGI to do what it wants with the property. Will the City press GGI to pay its taxes? If GGI fails to pay what will the Director of Revenue and Finance, Jim Parent do?

In the meantime what will our code enforcement department do about the dilapidated and deteriorating buildings. If experience is any indication it will be nothing more than lip service.

Time will tell what plans GGI has for the property that they fought hard to keep. Hopefully they will be responsible owners and sell or redevelop the property. If their past behavior is any indication then don’t hold your breath.

The judge’s decision has statewide implications.  The League of Municipalities is concerned about the impact that this case may have on a municipality’s options in dealing with derelict properties. Hopefully there will be an appeal and the League  will be involved. Commissioner Parent can use his much bragged about “connections” to influence the League of Municipalities to help the city of Millville.


Dennis Romanik said…
Between the mayor and vice mayor all you'll get is lip service for the next 3 years. And this will still cost the the the city $$$ and there will be no improvement

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