No Free Ride for the Racetrack!

Santiago’s “Team” has a very important vote on August 20, 2019. It will decide whether to extend the PILOT for the NJ Motorsports Park. This vote will definitively tell the citizens of Millville who the  “Team” is playing for:  the citizens of Millville or the “Team’s” cronies.

If Team Santiago approves the extension of the PILOT, the NJ Motorsports Park will pay hugely reduced property taxes until 2038. Presently what the NJ Motorsports Park pays is 75% lower than what their real taxes should be if it was treated like every other taxpayer. Wouldn’t every citizen in Millville like that deal!

Team Santiago is proposing this extension after they just raised property taxes. Team Santiago says the NJ Motorsports Park deserves this extension for what they do for Millville. The track made big promises when it conned the City into the initial PILOT. It fell far short in all categories: Jobs 149 versus thousands promised; revival of High St. Take a look at conditions in center city. Why is the track more important or deserving than the citizens that are struggling everyday to make ends meet? If the Track paid their fair share then Team Santiago would not have to raise our taxes.

Everyone also needs to know that not one penny that the racetrack does pay goes to the Millville Schools. In a time when the public schools are hurting and looking for ways to cut the budget through outsourcing think of how the extra money would help the schools. If the racetrack paid their fair share over $200,000 would go to the school budget.

Attend the August 20, 2019 commission meeting at 7pm in City Hall. Let your commissioners know that you oppose the extension of the PILOT for the NJ Motorsports Park. It is time to let Team Santiago know that you are tired of them putting the citizens of Millville last.


Millville resident said…
Just think if there was a turnout at the Commission meeting. Like there has been at the board of education meetings lately.
The commission would be forced to listen. Then If they follow their normal routine of paybacks to contribitors. Someone must be out there that will find something to charge them all with in a Court of law

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