Are Quinn, Pepitone, and Cooper Good for Millville?

What do you do when you start to lose faith in the entire system. Do you sit back and do nothing or do you try to fix it? Trying to fix it can be as simple as voting. At times it is hard to believe things will change but you cannot give up. This election in November for the Millville City Commission will determine Millville's future. Will the down-hill spiral started by Team Santiago continue or will it be stopped? It will depend on who is elected. It is important that the voters of Millville vote in this election.

Look at the candidates. Vote for who will work for Millville. Ask them what they intend to do. Question their answers. You can tell who is telling you the truth versus what you want to hear. Look at their track record. Quinn, Pepitone, and Cooper are running as a team. Would they be good for Millville?  
Jim Quinn is a career politician. Mr. Quinn stated that he was a city commissioner  for over 18 years!!! During his last time as commissioner, he left in the middle of his term. So what has Mr. Quinn done for Millville in those 18 years? Mr. Quinn has had his chance to improve Millville and his ideas have not worked.  Millville needs new ideas. He has returned to his old ideas stated that High Street will be the focus of his attention. All of Millville needs to be the focus. He is counting on his old redevelopment team he used for those 18 years. Where did that get Millville?

In a recent interview, Mr. Quinn sang the praises of the Motorsports Park stating the city needs to support the track. The track's abatement is up in 2022. Will Mr.  Quinn's support of the track extend to granting them their tax abatement extension? If his past performance is any indication, he will. 

 Mr. Quinn is starting a new business which will create jobs. He recently received a $100,000.00 loan for the business start-up. Where did he get this loan? The city of Vineland. Where will the business be located? Vineland not in Millville. The business is supposed to bring internet to those who cannot afford it. This business will only service Vineland. If Mr. Quinn truly cared about Millville wouldn't his business be in Millville? Wouldn't he be helping the citizens of Millville? 

 In his county commission seat, Jim Quinn is looking at the privatization of the Cumberland County Utility Authority. Jim Quinn is running for city commissioner in Millville. Is he going to privatize the Millville Sewer plant?

Cooper and Pepitone are running for re-election. In the last 4 years Cooper and Pepitone have shown time and again that they are not concerned with Millville's future. Cooper and Pepitone wasted the taxpayers hard earned money on the $2 million dollar demolition with no bids causing a tax increase. They wanted to buy the CCIA building for over $1 million dollars with no appraisal. (It has now being sold for $500,000.) Cooper and Pepitone time and again hired out of town contractors who overcharged the city. Remember Schroeder, Long, Marmero, and Pennoni. These contractors all are donating to their elections. Cooper and Pepitone think more about the paybacks to out of town political allies instead of the citizens of Millville. 

Cooper and Pepitone worked together to try to oust Judge Witcher. Thankfully that did not work.

Mr. Pepitone has not paid his taxes since February 2021 on the 5 properties he owns. How can he be a city leader and raise taxes while he does not pay his own? If he cannot afford to pay his taxes how does he expect the citizens of Millville to? 

And what about the Wheaton Property will it ever be cleaned up? Cooper and Pepitone have had 4 years to do something.  Mr. Quinn had 18 years to do something. They have done nothing. The property is now in disrepair and will need to be demolished. The Wheaton property sits at the entrance of Millville and is the first impression for anyone entering the city. Why would any new businesses want to come here when this property sets the tone for how the city's leaders care about the city? 

Now Quinn, Cooper and Pepitone want four more years of running Millville. Millville cannot survive four more years of their bad leadership. Vote for the candidates that will work to improve Millville not the ones that have proven that they cannot get the job done.


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