Team Quinn's Dirty Partisan Politics

The negative ads have started. Instead of talking about their action plan for Millville, Team Quinn has resorted to skewing the facts against opposing candidate, Joe Sooy. Joe Sooy is one of the few candidates that has a plan to improve Millville and proved that he can when he was a commissioner. Of course Team Quinn will say they are not behind the ads but don't believe them. Remember the negative ad campaign that Cooper and Pepitone used to get elected 4 years ago? Cooper and Pepitone denied that they knew about the ads but that was not the truth. Cooper and Pepitone appointed the individuals behind the ads to high paying positions in the city as a payback. As a matter of fact the same individuals have again backed Cooper and Pepitone. Do not let history repeat itself.  Don't let partisan politics continue to ruin Millville. 

Ignore the negative ads. Listen to the candidates. Team Quinn have said nothing about what they are going to do if elected in the next 4 years. They will continue running the city behind closed doors leaving the citizens in the dark about what they are doing. Team Quinn will once again have their contributers running the city. Team Quinn has refused to debate the other candidates and are not attending the town meeting Friday night. Why? Are they afraid? Are they unable to talk about what they plan to do for Millville. Is it that they cannot defend what they have done to Millville in the past.

Don't vote for Team Quinn. Get rid of the partisan politics in Millville. It is time to fix Millville and help it to move forward. The partisan politics of Cooper and Pepitone has ruined Millville for the past four years. It has to stop. Quinn has had 18 years as a commissioner and has not improved Millville. He needs to go. 

Vote for candidates that have told you their plans. The candidates that have and will continue to answer your questions. The candidates that are willing to debate and be accountable. Most important, candidates that will listen to you, the citizens of Millville, to make your lives better. Team Quinn will only work to better the lives of their donors. 


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