As of right now the answer is NO, there will not be a debate. City commission candidates Joe Sooy, Kirk Hewitt, and Lisa Orndorf are the only candidates that have stated they want to debate. They even found an independent organization to host the debate. When Team Quinn was asked by the organization to participate, Team Quinn responded NO. Since Team Quinn would not participate, the debate has been cancelled. It was deemed unfair to hold a debate if all the candidates did not participate. Thank you to the organization that tried. Thank you for seeing the need for the debate and trying to provide an unbiased venue.
Shame on you, Team Quinn for saying no! Historically there has always been a debate between the candidates. What is Team Quinn afraid of? Is it the fact that Team Quinn is running without a platform? Are they afraid of the other candidates?
The election is right around the corner. The fact that Team Quinn will not debate the other candidates shows their lack of transparency and accountability. They do not deserve to be your city commissioners. Millville needs leaders that have a plan, that will be open about what they are doing, and be willing to be accountable for their actions. Team Quinn is not what Millville needs.
Vote on election day. Remember that the candidates of Team Quinn: Quinn, Pepitone, Cooper, Bowleg, and Perez would not debate. Remember they did not let the voters know their plans and goals for Millville. Remember that Team Quinn does not deserve your vote. Make sure your voice is heard.