Commissioner Udalovas' Election Advice

At the January 19, 2021 Commission meeting, Commissioner Udalovas made several comments about her fellow commissioners. Commissioner Udalovas has worked with Cooper and Pepitone for 4 years She knows how they act behind the scenes. She knows their work ethinc, thinking and motivation not the show that they put on for the public. These statements were made when Pepitone and Cooper were trying to oust Judge Witcher. (Read previous blog  Is Judge Witcher Safe and  JUDGE WITCHER SAGA UPDATE AND THE PEPITONE - UDALOVAS FEUD)                            

                “Commissioners, it has been 3 years. There is no reason to be unprepared or to not be aware of the process. If we                   have not learned that there is due process for each function in local government by the third year of service, it is                     clear by the beginning of the fourth year that it cannot be learned or will not be learned, and all due to a lack of                         preparedness or an unwillingness to learn from our professionals. I cannot decide, as a Commissioner, which of                     these two traits is worse.”

                 “A respectful Commission would not create a resolution for appointment of a Municipal Court Judge and                      endorse to add it to the Agenda, only to seek to remove it when questions from the Public are received to                   indicate that it is not a popular decision.”  

                “The examples I see on this, the fourth year of service, are plentiful to                 demonstrate that November 2021 should be an election year for the                 taxpayers and voters of Millville to advise that they seek                                     Commissioners who are humble and hard-working enough to learn                 this job and to learn it well. And to the Commissioners seeking                         popularity for their roles as Commissioners now, I will only impart that              you are demonstrating precisely to the public through your decisions              on January 4th and on January 19th why you are unfit for this role.”

At the October 19th meeting, Cooper and Pepitone put on a show as they inappropriately campaigned during the commission meeting. Commissioner Udalovas commented on Cooper and Pepitone "disregarding professonal courtesy" when they interfered in her department. Once again Cooper and Pepitone tried to sneak a resolution through. When there was no support they sat and would not defend their choices. This is not leadership. This is cowardice and has not place in Millville's government. Listen to Commissioner Udalovas. She has worked with Cooper and Pepitone for four years. She knows their ability to lead Millville and in her words they "are unfit for this role".


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