There are 10 candidates for this year's city commission election. A blog has been written regarding 3 candidates from Team Quinn namely Quinn, Pepitone, and Cooper. (Are Quinn, Pepitone, and Cooper Good for Millville). How about the other 7 candidates?

Kuan Bowleg and Ivelise Perez are part of Team Quinn. They have not talked about their plans and goals for Millville. What will their focus be as commissioners? How do you vote for someone without knowing what they are going to do? Do they even have a plan?

Robert McQuade, Jr. is presently on the Millville School Board. He also has not spoken about his plans and goals for Millville. However he does seem to have the best interest of Millville at heart as he has been helping to clean up the city of Millville for years. 

Benjamin Romanik has not spoken about his plans and goals for Millville and there is no information about him. A vote for Mr. Romanik would be voting for the complete unknown. 

Charles Kirk Hewitt has been a regular at the city commission meetings. He fought for the citizens of Millville when the commission was planning to extend the motor sports park tax abatement. He spoke out against the $2 million dollar demolition. Recently he led the appeal against the proposed development on Cedar Street and won. Mr. Hewitt has a plan for what he wants to accomplish while in office. His goals are to improve public safety, invest and improve the city's infrastructure, and promote a business friendly city through economic development. He has a plan to accomplish these goals.

Joseph Sooy is a former city commissioner. During his time in office, Mr. Sooy cleaned up the city through his cut and clean program. There was no tax increase the entire four years he was in office. Mr. Sooy developed a strategy to make sure city roads were maintained and paved. Mr. Sooy helped with the recent zoning appeal and has remained active in the city by attending commission meetings holding the present commissioners accountable. Mr. Sooy's goals and plan for Millville are accountability through effective leadership, provide excellent customer service, no privatization of public utilities, and effective economic development. 

The final candidate on the ballot is Lisa Orndorf. Ms. Orndorf was part of the successful zoning board appeal against the Cedar Street development. Ms. Orndorf's  goals for Millville include restore our community through public safety, increase economic growth with smarter planning and smarter spending, and gain the citizens trust through transparency. She has a plan for accomplishing these goals. 

This election will determine the course that Millville will take for the next 4 years. When you vote think about who you are voting for. Should you vote for individuals with no plan and no goals for Millville? Or should you vote for individuals who have a plan and know what needs to be done to move Millville forward? 


Anonymous said…
Benjamin Romanik is a young and bold man with great ideas and visions to help turn this city around to brighter and successful future.
What are his plans and goals for Millville?

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